
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thatcher this weekend

At tassy's wedding.

Only in Arizona can you spend the day kayaking and tanning in February.


How I Spent Valentines Day.

Crew and I did letters...Several times.

Hunger games! I finished the first one and I'm kind of in love!

My card from Claire Bear.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Registering for classes.
Can't afford classes.
Need a job.
Can't get a job for another month because of prior commitment.
No longer going to Ecuador.

So far its been one of those days.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Life Less Ordinary

Its a little after 3 in the morning and for some reason I'm still awake. I wish I could sleep. If just for the simple fact that I'm tired of the thoughts that keep bouncing around in my head all the time. Unfortunately I think my body has gotten used to hardly sleeping this semester. If I was smart I would make good use of my inability to sleep to study for my finals tomorrow... instead I'm blogging.

I'm slightly convinced that my  upstairs neighbors might secretly be hiding a pet elephant upstairs. I've never heard someone walk around so loudly before!

Anyways, I leave good ol' thatch-nasty on Thursday. Its kinda a bitter sweet thing.  I'm for sure excited about taking a break from school! I'm so tired of taking pointless classes. I can honestly say I don't find any enjoyment in attending class nor do I find the slightest but of " fulfillment" in trying my hardest to get good grades.  I 'm so tired of not knowing what to do with my life. I can't wait to find something that fits me. Until then I crave adventure.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tuesday Drive

Its become a tradition that every tuesday we go exploring. We pretty much get in the car without a destination in mind we just drive. I kinda love it. Here are some pictures from our last drive.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bon Qui Qui

I'm super grateful to have found a job this semester. Its not my dream job by any means but it pays the bills. Sometimes while I'm at work I wish I could pull a Bon Qui Qui. Usually its after i've dropped a milk shake all over my feet or after I've been mixing a hurricane only to have it explode in my face while I've got a line with people ringing the doorbell waiting to be helped. Occasionally I wish that I could yell out " Security! We got a complicated order!" or " You gettin' a Coke." Don't know what I'm talking about? Watch the video bellow. It's funnier like the fifth time you watch it